Art Specs

Please Note that your artwork is only as good as your source images!

Always use high quality, high resolution images.

  • For T Shirts, the maximum standard size is 13”wide x 16” tall. We can, and do frequently print larger images but anything bigger is considered an oversized print.
  • For Flatstock Posters and small signs, our max size is currently 18"w x 24"h
  • Vector artwork is preferred (AI, EPS, SVG). Convert fonts to outlines please.
  • Please DO NOT submit your image in Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Quark, or Paint. If you are in doubt, ask about your specific file type and we will let you know if we can use it.
  • Rasterized images are also acceptable provided that they are to size and at least 300dpi in resolution. If using a Photoshop file or layered tif, please use a different layer for each color and keep those layers intact.
  • Preferred file types for rasterized images are PSD, TIFF, or PDF. (JPEG & PNG are okay as well.)
  • Avoid lines smaller than 1 point when creating artwork. It is recommended to keep font size no lower than 12pt.
  • Please create artwork at the size that you would like it to print. If the art work is to be printed at multiple sizes, please make sure that it is at the larger size. Crop all artwork to the edges of the art and make sure it is in the desired printing size.
  • Ensure that the background of your art matches the background of the garment we are printing on. Transparent backgrounds are also okay.
  • When designating colors, please refer to the Pantone Solid Color Guide to ensure color accuracy.
  • All placed / linked images must be embedded or included separately.
  • Before submitting your files: Please double check the spelling and grammar. We are not responsible for misspelled words, incorrect information or dates.
  • Note that your artwork is only as good as your source images. If you use low resolution pixelated images from the web, you are not going to get good results. Use high quality, high resolution images from the start so we can get good output. Junk input = junk output. Nobody likes low resolution, sawtoothed, or pixelated prints!